Emergency Vet Services for Pets in Steveston, Richmond
We are a veterinary clinic in Richmond that provides primary and urgent care during and after our business hours.
For Emergencies During Regular Business Hours Call: 604-245-7474
Primary Care
Primary Care includes pre-booked appointments, and your pet is seen within our regular business hours.
Reasons to book a primary care appointment include:
- Vomiting/diarrhea 1 or 2 within 24 hours and non-bloody
- Sneezing or runny nose
- Scooting
- Limping
- Itchy ear, eye, or skin
- Coughing with no other respiratory distress symptoms
- Broken nail, limping
- Lethargic but eating food/drink less than 24 hours
Urgent Care
Urgent Care does NOT require an appointment and your pet can be seen outside our regular business hours.
If possible, call us at 604-245-7474 before your arrival to let us know the type of emergency, your estimated time of arrival, and if you will need assistance getting into the building.
Reasons you would want to bring your pet in for urgent care include:
- Vomiting/Diarrhea with change in behavior and non-bloody
- Redness, discharge, or squinting of eyes
- Porcupine quills
- Blood in urine or stool
- Lethargic, difficulty walking
- Tick-borne disease
- Allergic reaction
- Wounds & injuries (such as Dog fights, non-life threatening injuries)
Emergency Care
Emergency Care does not require an appointment. We see emergency cases ONLY during our regular business hours. FOR AFTER-HOUR EMERGENCIES: Please call or visit your nearest Emergency Hospital.
If possible, call us at 604-245-7474 before your arrival to let us know the type of emergency, your estimated time of arrival, and if you will need assistance getting into the building.
Reasons you would want to bring your pet in for emergency care include:
- Bloody diarrhea/vomiting
- Serious injuries (i.e. hit by car)
- Choking/ difficulty in breathing
- Sudden collapse/ unconsciousness
- Broken bone
- Snake bite or toxic ingestion
- Unable to poop/urinate
For Emergencies Outside Of Our Business Hours, We Recommend The Following Emergency Hospitals:
Intercity Animal Emergency Clinic
580 SE Marine Dr. Vancouver, B.C.
The Vancouver Animal Emergency and Referral Center
2303 Alberta St. Vancouver, B.C.
Animal Emergency Hospital of the Fraser Valley
#306 - 6325 204 St. Langley, B.C.